Some would have you believe that Sonia Sotomayor is the quintessential American success story. And that her "story" is the primary reason why she is qualified to sit on the Supreme Court. I disagree. For two reasons:
1. The majority of authentic quintessential Americans have not been given a free pass to Princeton and Yale.
2. Quintessential Americans can't be hyphenated Americans.
I've rewritten Sotomayor's life story to reflect what most of us would honor as an authentic quintessential American. My rewrite is in red:
"Sotomayor grew up in the South Bronx in a family that moved from Puerto Rico after World War II. At age 8, she was diagnosed with diabetes; a year later her father died. Her mother raised her on a nurse's salary.
One investment Sotomayor's mother made was in the only encyclopedia in the neighborhood. With this, Nancy Drew mysteries and Perry Mason thrillers, young Sonia started her love with the law.
the test scores and requisite english skills to get into an Ivy league
college, Sotomayer attended her local community college where she spent
two years mastering english. Upon graduating with her associates degree
Sotomayor was accepted to NYU where she majored in pre-law studies.
Upon graduating from NYU Sotomayor attended the only law school that would accept her - a now defunct Long Island institution where she quickly propelled herself to the top of her class with hard work and dedication. Graduating summa cum laude she was offered a job as an assistant district attorney in New York City where she met and married New York cop Tom O'brien.
As an assistant district attorney in New York City, prosecuting all
types of crimes. Sotomayor then worked as a corporate attorney before
President George H.W. Bush nominated her to the U.S. District Court for
the Southern District of New York in 1991. In 1998, President Bill
Clinton nominated her to the Second Circuit of the U.S. Court of
Appeals, where she has participated in 3,000 decisions and authored
around 300 circuit court opinions."
There - now she's qualified to be considered for the Supreme Court.
more at Citizen Strategist
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