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17 January 2008


john cass

Hi Mike,

I agree with your push on the word profit. I personally like the Chartered Institute's definition of the word marketing. Looking back over most of the AMA's definitions I think the definitions are a little verbose. (And this is from an ex-President of the Boston Chapter of the AMA.)

What I don't like about your definition for the CEO is that it might cause them to think that marketing is just about sales acquisition and customer loyalty.

Out with market research, out with listening to customers, lets just sell what we have, and to forget about making a product that people actually want, which we can sell for a profit.

Your definition includes that, but you have to understand the part about listening not to make the wrong conclusion, otherwise marketing is just selling, not that I think that selling is not part of marketing, I just don’t think it’s the whole story.

Having dealt with that issue, I want to turn to another matter. I found your post because you sent me a trackback from your post. However, in reading your post I see no mention of my blog post, or my blog on your post. I assume that this was an oversight on your part, and not attempt to just grab traffic from my blog because you found a post that references the discussion about the definition of marketing on my blog. As I see no mention of my blog on your post here, I will remove the trackback from my blog, thanks for the notification otherwise. If you care to write an update or another post, with a trackback to my blog I will be glad to post it.

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